Mark Behrens co-chairs Shook’s Washington, D.C.-based Public Policy Practice Group and is a leading national litigator on civil justice issues. He has over thirty years of experience working on civil justice issues and defense litigation. A substantial part of his practice is working to improve the civil litigation environment through state and federal legislation; in the courts through amicus curiae briefs; through legal scholarship and judicial education; and in the court of public opinion. 

Mark is actively involved in civil justice reform efforts at the federal and state levels. In 2015, he received an Individual Achievement Award from the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform. He has testified before the U.S. Congress and most state legislatures on behalf of business and civil justice organizations. In addition, he has served as an expert witness in trials and arbitrations. 

Mark also has an active amicus brief practice focusing on tort liability and civil justice issues. He has authored or co-authored over 150 amicus briefs in cases before the United States Supreme Court and federal and state appellate courts on behalf of business, civil justice and defense lawyer organizations. He is co-counsel to the Coalition for Litigation Justice, Inc. (CLJ), a nonprofit formed by insurers in 2000 to address and improve the litigation environment for asbestos and other toxic tort claims. The CLJ files amicus briefs in cases that may significantly impact such claims.

In addition, Mark routinely files comments on behalf of business, civil justice, and defense lawyer organizations regarding potential changes to federal and state court rules. He chairs the International Association of Defense Counsel’s (IADC) Civil Justice Response Committee and serves on the Board of Directors of Lawyers for Civil Justice (LCJ). In 2024, he received an Outstanding Contributor Award from LCJ. In 2016, he received the IADC’s Joan Fullam Irick Award for his work as Civil Justice Response Committee chair. 

Mark is a member of The American Law Institute (ALI) and has taught as an adjunct faculty member in law schools. He received a Burton Award for Legal Achievement and has published over fifty scholarly articles in leading national journals and law reviews including the Harvard Journal on Legislation. He published one of the top five most-cited articles in the Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy as of the journal’s 25th Anniversary. Another article was selected by the Texas Tech Law Review as Outstanding Lead Article of the year. Mark has been quoted in The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and the National Law Journal, and has appeared on radio and television, including CNBC, MSNBC, Bloomberg and CNN.

Mark serves on a number of legal advisory boards including the U.S. Chamber Litigation Center’s State Litigation Advisory Committee, Washington Legal Foundation’s Legal Policy Advisory Board, and NFIB Small Business Legal Center’s Advisory Board. He is a member of the Product Liability Advisory Council, Inc. (PLAC) and serves on the Executive Committee of The Federalist Society’s Litigation Practice Group.

Mark received his J.D. in 1990 from Vanderbilt University Law School, where he was a member of the Vanderbilt Law Review and received an award for achievement in tort law. He received his B.A. in economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1987.

Publications and Presentations

Mark Behrens, Third Party Litigation Funding: A Call For Disclosure and Other Reforms to Address the Stealthy Financial Product That is Transforming the Civil Justice System, 34 Cornell J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 1 (2025).

Mark Behrens, Third-Party Litigation Funding and Mass Tort Advertising and its Impact on Potential Jury Pools, Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel Winter Meeting, February 23, 2025.

Mark Behrens, 2024 Civil Justice Update, 26 Federalist Soc’y Rev. 1 (2025).

Mark Behrens & Andrew Trask, Federal Rule of Evidence 702: A History and Guide to the 2023 Amendments Governing Expert Evidence, 12 Tex. A&M L. Rev. 43 (2024).

Mark Behrens, Rules and Policies Impacting the Civil Litigation Landscape, FDCC Corporate Counsel Symposium, September 17, 2024. 

Mark Behrens & Christopher Appel, Why Courts Should Continue to Reject Innovator Liability Theories That Seek to Hold Branded Drug Manufacturers Liable for Generic Drug Injuries, 52 Sw. U. L. Rev. 580 (2024).

Mark Behrens, Phil Goldberg & Adam Tolin, Assessing the Practical Impact of Federal Rule Changes on Life Sciences Litigation and Ongoing Reform Efforts to Address Litigation Funding, ACC Health, Biotech & Pharma CLE Webinar, March 5, 2024. 

Mark Behrens, 2023 Civil Justice Update (Federalist Soc’y, Feb. 2024.

Mark Behrens, West Virginia Adopts Substantial Civil Rules Changes, FedSoc Blog (Federalist Soc’y Feb. 9, 2024).

Mark Behrens, A Brief Guide to the 2023 Amendments to the Federal Rules of Evidence, FedSoc Blog (Federalist Soc’y Jan. 30, 2024).

Mark Behrens, Survey of State Civil Justice Legislative Developments, George Mason University Judicial Symposium on Civil Justice Issues, November 13, 2023. 

Mark Behrens & Kathleen Frazier, Multi-District Litigation Updates, FDCC Corporate Counsel Symposium (October 22, 2023).

Mark Behrens, ALI, Bar Groups Need More Defense Engagement For Balance, Law360 (June 12, 2023).

Mark Behrens, If Sent To Her Desk, Gov. Hochul Should Veto Costly Lawsuit Damages Bill, Again, N.Y.L.J. (May 24, 2023).

Mark Behrens, ALI to Vote on No-Injury Medical Monitoring Proposal, FedSoc Blog (Federalist Soc’y May 18, 2023).

Mark Behrens & Christopher Appel, New Hampshire Supreme Court Rejects Medical Monitoring, 32:3 Legal Backgrounder (Wash. Legal Found. Mar. 29, 2023). 

Mark Behrens, New Hampshire Supreme Court Rejects Medical Monitoring, FedSoc Blog (Federalist Soc’y Mar. 23, 2023).

Mark Behrens, Missouri Asbestos Litigation: Data Reinforces Need for Reform, 38 Mealey’s Litig. Rep.: Asbestos (Feb. 22, 2023).

Mark Behrens, 2022 Civil Justice Update (Federalist Soc’y, Feb. 3, 2023).

Mark Behrens & Christopher Appel, Governor Hochul: Don’t Allow Inflation in Wrongful Death Lawsuits, N.Y.L.J. (Dec. 20, 2022).

Mark Behrens, Ohio Supreme Court Rules on Noneconomic Damages Cap, FedSoc Blog (Federalist Soc’y Dec. 20, 2022).

Mark Behrens, Pennsylvania’s Fair Share Act Needs Fixing, Pa. Record (Oct. 18, 2022).

Mark Behrens & Christopher Appel, Proposals to Allow Nonlawyer Ownership of Law Firms, Fee Splitting Experience Rejection, 37:17 Legal Backgrounder (Wash. Legal Found. Oct. 14, 2022).

Mark Behrens, Pres. Biden Signs Camp Lejeune Justice Act Into Law, FedSoc Blog (Federalist Soc’y, Aug. 11, 2022).

Mark Behrens, Defense Asbestos Litigation Seminar (DALS), June 23 & 24, 2022.  

Mark Behrens & Kateland Jackson, Fourth Circuit Upholds WV Law Regulating Misleading Drug and Device Lawsuit Ads, 31:7 Legal Opinion Letter (Wash. Legal Found., June 17, 2022).

Mark Behrens & Kateland Jackson, Federal Judiciary’s Standing Committee Approves Changes to Federal Rules of Evidence, Including Rule 702 Governing Expert Testimony, FedSoc Blog (Federalist Soc’y, June 10, 2022).

Mark Behrens & Kateland Jackson, Washington Supreme Court Reaffirms Learned Intermediary Doctrine with No Exception for Direct-to-Consumer Advertising, FedSoc Blog (Federalist Soc’y, June 8, 2022).

Mark Behrens, Moderator, When Congress Calls: Strategies for Preparing for Investigations and Testimony on the Hill, Corporate Counsel College, International Association of Defense Counsel (IADC), Chicago (April 7, 2022). 

Mark Behrens, Missouri Must Adopt Fair Period to File Personal Injury Lawsuits, St. Louis Record (April 6, 2022).

Mark Behrens & Christopher Appel, Florida Supreme Court Leads on Apex Doctrine, Vol. 51 No. 2 The Brief: A Publication of the Am. Bar Ass’n Tort & Ins. Prac. Sec. 33 (Winter 2022).

Mark Behrens, 2021 Civil Justice Update (Federalist Soc’y, Dec. 1, 2021).

Mark Behrens, The Role of Third-Party Financing in the Litigation Ecosystem, Judicial Symposium on Civil Justice Issues (November 17, 2021).

Mark Behrens & Kateland Jackson, New Study Supports Federal Expert Evidence Rule Reform, FedSoc Blog (Federalist Soc’y, Oct. 21, 2021).

Mark Behrens & Kateland Jackson, Federal Judiciary Advisory Committee Proposes Amendments to Expert Testimony Rule, FedSoc Blog (Federalist Soc’y, Sept. 20, 2021).

Alan Smith & Mark Behrens, Hochul Must Veto Burdensome Insurance Disclosure Bill, Crain’s N.Y. Bus., Sept. 9, 2021.

Mark Behrens, Christopher Appel & Cary Silverman, Summation Anchoring: Is It Time to Cast Away Inflated Requests for Noneconomic Damages?, 44 Am. J. Trial Advoc. 321 (2021).

Mark Behrens & Kateland Jackson, FL Supreme Court Extends “Apex Doctrine” to Private Sector, FedSoc Blog (Federalist Soc’y, Aug. 27, 2021).

Mark Behrens & Mayela Montenegro-Urch, Calif. Survival Damages Bill Would Cost Cos., Consumers, Law360 (June 7, 2021).

Mark Behrens & Mary Margaret Gay, Illinois Asbestos Litigation: Common Sense Reforms for the Nation’s Leading State for Asbestos Filings, 36:6 Mealey’s Litig. Rep.: Asbestos 1 (Apr. 28, 2021).

Mark A. Behrens & Andrew J. Trask, The Rule of Science and the Rule of Law, 49 Sw. U. L. Rev. 436 (2021).

Mark Behrens & Christopher E. Appel, Over-Naming of Asbestos Defendants: A Pervasive Problem in Need of Reform, 36:4 Mealey’s Litig. Rep.: Asbestos 1 (Mar. 24, 2021).

Mark A. Behrens, 2020 Civil Justice Update (Federalist Soc'y, December 2020).   

Mark A. Behrens & Christopher E. Appel, States Are Embracing Proportional Discovery, Moving Into Alignment With Federal Rules, 29:5 Legal Opinion Letter (Wash. Legal Found., July 17, 2020).

Mark Behrens & Jennifer Artman, Missouri Raises Bar for Punitive Damages and Consumer Protection Law Claims, 29:2 Legal Opinion Letter (Wash. Legal Found. May 14, 2020).

Mark A. Behrens, 2019 Civil Justice Update (Federalist Soc’y, February 2020).

Mark A. Behrens & Christopher E. Appel, Federal Civil Rule Reform: An Update, IADC Defense Counsel Journal (July 2019).

Mark Behrens & Ashley Garry, Alert: Deceptive Plaintiff Lawyer Advertising is Harmful to Public Health . . . and States Are Taking Action, IADC Civil Justice Response and Drug, Device and Biotechnology Committees Newsletter, June 2019.

Mark A. Behrens & Christopher E. Appel, Federal Civil Rules Committee Drops Divisive Corporate Witness ID Duty, 28:9 Legal Opinion Letter (Wash. Legal Found., May 17, 2019). 

Mark A. Behrens & William F. Northrip, Department of Justice Combats Asbestos Trust Abuse, 86 Def. Counsel J. (January 2019).

Mark A. Behrens & Christopher E. Appel, 2018 Civil Justice Update, The Federalist Society (November 2018). 

Mark Behrens & Bill Northrip, U.S. Department of Justice Takes on Asbestos Trust Fraud, Washington Legal Foundation Legal Opinion Letter, October 19, 2018.

Mark A. Behrens, Asbestos Trust Transparency, 87 Fordham L. Rev. 107 (2018). 

Mark A. Behrens & Sarah Goggans, 2017 Civil Justice Update, The Federalist Society (January 2018).

Cary Silverman & Mark Behrens, State of Liability: New York's Costly Tort Laws and How to Fix Them (Empire Ctr. for Public Pol'y, Dec. 2017).

Daniel J. Ryan, John J. Hare & Mark A. Behrens, What's New in 2017? Filing Trends and Developments in Asbestos Litigation, 32:13 Mealey's Litig. Rep.: Asbestos 1 (Aug. 15, 2017).  

Mark A. Behrens, Marc C. Scarcella & Peter R. Kelso, Illinois Asbestos Trust Transparency: The Need to Integrate Asbestos Trust Disclosures with the Illinois Tort System (Ill. Civil Justice League Apr. 25, 2017). 

Mark A. Behrens & Christopher Appel, The New Gold Rush: Study Reveals Pharmaceutical Plaintiffs Flocking to California, 24 No. 10 Westlaw J. Health L. 2, 2017 WL 471284 (Feb. 7, 2017), reprinted in 39 No. 9 Westlaw J. Asbestos 2 (Feb. 17, 2017), reprinted in 33 No. 1 Westlaw J. Pharmaceutical 2 (Feb. 22, 2017).

Mark A. Behrens, Study Reveals Pharmaceutical Product-Liability Plaintiffs Drawn to Sue in California, 26:1 Legal Opinion Letter (Wash. Legal Found., Jan. 13, 2017).

Mark A. Behrens, Disconnects and Double-Dipping: The Case for Asbestos Bankruptcy Trust Transparency in Virginia (U.S. Chamber Inst. for Legal Reform, Dec. 2016).

Lisa Rickard & Mark Behrens, Third-party litigation funding in US enters mainstream, leading to calls for reform, Financier Worldwide, Nov. 2016.

Lisa Rickard & Mark Behrens, 3rd-Party Litigation Funding Needs Transparency, Law360, Oct. 17, 2016.

Lisa Rickard & Mark Behrens, Transparency Needed as Third-Party Litigation Funding Enters the Mainstream, Int’l Ass’n of Def. Counsel, Civil Justice Response Comm. Newsletter (Sept. 2016).

Mark A. Behrens & Christopher E. Appel, 2015 Civil Justice Update (Federalist Soc’y, July 2016).

Mark Behrens & Christopher Appel, Controversial ABA Alternative Business Structures Proposal Stalls…Again, Int'l Ass'n of Def. Counsel, Civil Justice Response Comm. Newsletter (June 2016)

Mark Behrens & Cary Silverman, Reptile Mediation? Washington Federal Court Considers, Then Rejects, Proposal to Disadvantage Insurers in Mediation, Int’l Ass’n of Def. Counsel, Civil Justice Response Comm. Newsletter (Mar. 2016).

Mark Behrens & Phil Goldberg, Asbestos Litigation Reform Momentum Builds in U.S., Financier Worldwide 52 (Mar. 2016).

Mark A. Behrens & Christopher Casolaro, Civil Justice Reform: Twists and Turns in Arkansas (Federalist Soc’y for L. & Pub. Pol’y Studies, Nov. 2015).

Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, Building on the Foundation: Mississippi’s Civil Justice Reform Success and a Path Forward, 34 Miss. C. L. Rev. 113 (2015).

Mark A. Behrens et al., Mini-Roundtable: Managing Asbestos Claims and Litigation, Corp. Disputes, Oct.-Dec. 2015, at 56.

Mark A. Behrens, Regulation by Litigation, Wash. Times, July 17, 2015, Fed. Soc’y suppl.

Mark A. Behrens, A ‘Perfect Storm’ Confronts Asbestos Defendants in Newport News, 24:11 Legal Opinion Letter (Wash. Legal Found., June 5, 2015).

Mark A. Behrens & Phil S. Goldberg, It’s Time to Fix NYC’s Broken Asbestos Litigation System, Law360, June 2, 2015.

Mark Behrens, Editorial, Litigation Tourism is Bad for Illinois, Madison-St. Clair (Ill.) Record, June 1, 2015.

Mark A. Behrens & Virginia Knapp Dorrell, Changes to U.S. Court Rules Would Improve Civil Litigation, Lawyer Issue, Mar. 21, 2015.

Mark A. Behrens & Christopher E. Appel, Nevada Supreme Court Adopts Medical Monitoring Remedy in Negligence Actions, 24:2 Legal Opinion Letter (Wash. Legal Found., Feb. 27, 2015). 

Mary Margaret Gay & Mark A. Behrens, Garlock One Year Later, Int’l Ass’n of Def. Counsel, Toxic and Hazardous Substances Litig. Comm. Newsletter (Jan. 2015).

Mark A. Behrens & Tiffany F. Lim, Washington Supreme Court Preserves Integrity of Industrial Insurance Act, King Cty. Bar Ass’n Bar Bulletin, Nov. 2014. 

Mark A. Behrens & Virginia R. Knapp Dorell, New York High Court Should Keep "Stream of Commerce" Tort Rule, Legal Opinion Letter (Oct. 10, 2014).

Mark A. Behrens, Dummitt v. Crane Co.: New York’s Highest Court Should Reaffirm Its “Stream of Commerce” Approach to Product Liability And Confirm That New York Law Is In Harmony With The Clear Majority Rule Nationwide, 29:16 Mealey’s Litig. Rep.: Asbestos 1 (Sept. 24, 2014). 

Mark A. Behrens, Missouri Supreme Court Invalidates State’s Legislative Cap on Punitive Damages, The Legal Pulse (Wash. Legal Found., Sep. 11, 2014). 

Mark A. Behrens & Margaret Horn, Liability for Asbestos-Containing Connected or Replacement Parts Made by Third Parties: Courts Are Properly Rejecting this Form of Guilt by Association, 37 Am. J. Trial Advoc. 489 (2014). 

Mark Behrens & Cary Silverman, The Garlock Bankruptcy Order and What it Means for Defense Counsel, For the Defense (DRI), May 2014, at 10. 

Mary Margaret Gay, Mark Behrens & Virginia Dorell, Garlock Bankruptcy Judge: Asbestos Settlements “Infected With the Impropriety of Some Law Firms,” Int’l Ass’n of Def. Counsel, Prod. Liab. Newsletter (2d ed. Apr. 2014). 

Mark Behrens & Christopher Appel, Torts 101 – Damages for Those Who Might Get Sick Are Nonsensical, Nat’l L.J., Jan. 27, 2014, at 27. 

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Asbestos Litigation: The “Endless Search for a Solvent Bystander,” 23 Widener L.J. 59 (2013). 

Mark A. Behrens, Cary Silverman & Christopher E. Appel, Calculating Punitive Damages Ratios With Extracompensatory Attorney Fees And Judgment Interest: A Violation of the United States Supreme Court’s Due Process Jurisprudence?, 48 Wake Forest L. Rev. 1295 (2013). 

Mark A. Behrens & Joanna Vassallo, Workers’ Comp Reform Needed in Pennsylvania, Legal Intelligencer (online), Dec. 27, 2013.

Mark A. Behrens & Virginia Knapp Dorell, New Rules Under Consideration in U.S. to Lessen Costs and Burdens of Litigation,, Nov. 20, 2013.

Mark A. Behrens, Asbestos Litigation , in The New Lawsuit Ecosystem: Trends, Targets and Players (Victor E. Schwartz & Cary Silverman eds., Inst. for Legal Reform 2013). 

Mark A. Behrens et al., 7th Annual Judicial Symposium on Civil Justice Issues: George Mason Judicial Education Program: Edited Transcripts: The Asbestos Litigation Tsunami - Will It Ever End?, 9 J.L. Econ. & Pol'y 489 (2013).

Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, The Baltimore City Circuit Court Should Reject ‘Consolidation III,’ 28:4 Mealey’s Litig. Rep.: Asbestos 1 (Mar. 20, 2013). 

Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, Litigation Tourism in Pennsylvania: Is Venue Reform Needed?, 22 Widener L.J. 29 (2012). 

Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, WV's Resolution for 2013: Lose ‘Judicial Hellhole' Label, The State Journal, Dec. 19, 2012. 

Mark A. Behrens, Editorial, Pa.’s Model for Commonsense Tort Reform, Phila. Inquirer, June 3, 2012, at C5. 

Mark A. Behrens, Philadelphia Tort Litigation: Forum Shopping and Venue Reform, 13 Engage: J. Federalist Soc’y Prac. Groups 55 (July 2012). 

Mark Behrens, Kevin Underhill, Cary Silverman, Erin Sparkuhl & Christine Edwards, Asbestos Litigation “Magnet” Courts Alter Procedures: More Changes on the Horizon, 27:8 Mealey’s Litig. Rep.: Asbestos 1 (May 16, 2012). 

Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, The Constitutional Foundation for Federal Medical Liability Reform, 15 J. Health Care L. & Pol’y 173 (2012). 

Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, State Court Endorses Use of Equitable Power to Reduce Asbestos Suit Double-Dipping, 21:2 Legal Opinion Letter (Wash. Legal Found., Jan. 27, 2012). 

Mark A. Behrens, Pennsylvania Moves Forward With Considering Asbestos Trust Recoveries When Calculating Tort System Awards, 26:15 Mealey’s Litig. Rep.: Asbestos 34 (Sept. 7, 2011). 

Mark A. Behrens, Medical Liability Reform: A Case Study of Mississippi, 118:2 Obstetrics & Gynecology 335 (Aug. 2011). 

Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, Punitive Damages in Asbestos Personal Injury Litigation: The Basis for Deferral Remains Sound, 8 Rutgers J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 50 (2011). 

Mark A. Behrens, The Constitutional Foundation for Federal Medical Liability Reform (Am. Tort Reform Ass’n May 2011). 

Mark A. Behrens & Christopher E. Appel, The Need for Rational Boundaries in Civil Conspiracy Claims, 31 N. Ill. L. Rev. 37 (2010).

Malcolm Myers, Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, CA Case to Decide Whether the Duty to Warn Covers Hazards Posed by Products of Others, 29:4 L.J. Newsletters Prod. Liab. L. & Strategy 1 (Oct. 2010). 

Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, Report Sheds Light on Parallel World of Asbestos Bankruptcy Trusts, 19:19 Legal Opinion Letter (Wash. Legal Found., Aug. 20, 2010). 

Mark A. Behrens, Asbestos Litigation Screening Challenges: An Update, 26 T.M. Cooley L. Rev. 721 (2009). 

Mark A. Behrens & Corey Schaecher, RAND Institute for Civil Justice Report on the Abuse of Medical Diagnostic Practices in Mass Tort Litigation: Lessons Learned from the "Phantom" Silica Epidemic That May Deter Litigation Screening Abuse, 73 Alb. L. Rev. 521 (2010). 

Mark A. Behrens, Alabama High Court Issues Landmark Drug Pricing Decision, Class Action Watch (Federalist Society for Law & Public Policy Studies), May 2010, at 1.

Mark A. Behrens, Who Should Decide Tort Law? A Fundamental Issue in the Public Debate Over Civil Justice Reform, in Andrew F. Popper, Materials on Tort Reform (2010). 

Mark A. Behrens & Corey M. Schaecher, RAND Report Highlights Abuse of Medical Diagnostics in Mass Torts, 19:6 Legal Opinion Letter (Wash. Legal Found., Mar. 12, 2010). 

Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, Alabama Supreme Court Rejects Pharmaceutical Pricing "Regulation Through Litigation," 19:1 Legal Opinion Letter (Wash. Legal Found., Jan. 15, 2010). 

Mark Behrens & Phil Goldberg, Editorial, Home of the Asbestos Litigation “Gold Rush?,”  Daily J. (San Fran.), Nov. 18, 2009, at 5. 

Mark A. Behrens & Corey Schaecher, RAND Issues Report on Abuse of Medical Diagnostic Practices in Mass Litigation, 10:3 Engage – The J. of the Federalist Society’s Prac. Groups 108 (Oct. 2009). 

Mark A. Behrens & Christopher E. Appel, Denial of Federal Tax Deduction for Punitive Damages Threatens Job Growth, 18:12 Legal Opinion Letter (Wash. Legal Found., June 5, 2009). 

Mark A. Behrens, Gregory L. Fowler & Silvia Kim, Global Litigation Trends - Class Actions, Contingency Fees, and Punitive Damages: Moving Toward the American Civil Law Model?, 17 Mich. St. J. Int’l Law 165 (2009). 

Mark Behrens, What’s New in Asbestos Litigation?, 28 Rev. Litig. 501 (2009). 

Mark A. Behrens & William L. Anderson, The “Any Exposure” Theory: An Unsound Basis for Asbestos Causation and Expert Testimony, 37 Sw. U. L. Rev. 479 (2008).

Mark A. Behrens & Frank Cruz-Alvarez, Rhode Island Supreme Court Joins Other State Courts in Rejecting Product-Based Public Nuisance Claims, Class Action Watch (Federalist Society for Law & Public Policy Studies), Oct. 2008, at 5. 

Mark A. Behrens & Christopher E. Appel, Seventh Circuit Rejects Effort to Bypass Class Action Fairness Act in Mass Action, 9:16 Class Action Litig. Rep. (BNA) 701 (Aug. 22, 2008). 

Mark A. Behrens & Christopher E. Appel, Second Circuit Upholds Federal Liability Reform Law, 18:12 Legal Opinion Letter (Wash. Legal Found., May 16, 2008). 

Mark A. Behrens & Christopher E. Appel, “Reverse Bifurcation” Approach to Punitive Damages Trials in West Virginia, Class Action Watch (Federalist Society for Law & Public Policy Studies), Mar. 2008, at 7. 

Mark A. Behrens, Book Review, Mass Torts in a World of Settlement (by Richard A. Nagareda), 9:1 Engage – The J. of the Federalist Society’s Prac. Groups 151 (Feb. 2008). 

Mark A. Behrens & Christopher E. Appel, Medical Monitoring in Missouri After Meyer Ex Rel. Coplin v. Fluor Corp.: Sound Policy Should be Restored to a Vague and Unsound Directive, 27 St. Louis U. Pub. L. Rev. 135 (2007). 

Mark Behrens & Christopher Appel, New Jersey and Missouri Supreme Courts Reject Lead Paint Public Nuisance Claims, Class Action Watch (Federalist Society for Law & Public Policy Studies), Sept. 2007, at 1. 

Mark A. Behrens, Asbestos and Silica Litigation Reform: Helping the Sick, Curbing Fraud, and Providing Liability Fairness, The State Factor (Am. Legis. Exch. Council, Feb. 2007). 

Mark A. Behrens, Fifth Consecutive State High Court Rejects Medical Monitoring, 8:1 Engage – The J. of the Federalist Society’s Prac. Groups 131 (Feb. 2007). 

Mark A. Behrens & Christopher E. Appel, Mississippi Supreme Court Rejects Medical Monitoring, 17:3 Legal Backgrounder (Wash. Legal Found., Feb. 9, 2007). 

Mark A. Behrens & Phil Goldberg, The Asbestos Litigation Crisis: The Tide Appears To Be Turning, 12 Conn. Ins. L.J. 477 (2006).

Mark A. Behrens, Michigan Supreme Court Takes Step to Address Asbestos Litigation Problems, State Court Docket Watch (Federalist Society for Law & Public Policy Studies-State Courts Project), Nov. 2006, at 5. 

Mark A. Behrens & Frank Cruz-Alvarez, Premises Owner Liability for Secondhand Asbestos Exposure: The Next Wave?, 7:2 Engage – The J. of the Federalist Society’s Prac. Groups 145 (Oct. 2006). 

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Kevin Underhill, Litigation Tourism Hurts Californians, 21:20 Mealey’s Litig. Rep.: Asbestos 41 (Nov. 15, 2006).

Mark A. Behrens & Phil Goldberg, Lawsuit Scandal Reform: Asbestos and Silica Medical Criteria Legislation Needed, Mo. Law. Wkly. (Oct. 9, 2006). 

Mark A. Behrens & Frank Cruz-Alvarez, State-Based Reforms: Making a Difference in Asbestos and Silica Cases, 16:21 Legal Backgrounder (Wash. Legal Found. Aug. 4, 2006), reprinted in 28:22 Andrews Asbestos Litig. Rptr. 12 (Aug. 25, 2006). 

Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, ALEC Model Legislation: Leading the Way to Help Address the Asbestos Litigation Crisis and Discourage Silica Litigation Fraud, 8:2 ALEC Pol’y Forum 4 (Summer 2006). 

Mark A. Behrens, States Address Asbestos Litigation Crisis and Curb Silica Litigation Fraud, Tex. Civ. Justice League J. 5 (Summer 2006). 

Mark A. Behrens & Frank Cruz-Alvarez, A Potential New Frontier in Asbestos Litigation: Premises Owner Liability for “Take Home” Exposure Claims, 21:11 Mealey’s Litig. Rep.: Asbestos 5 (July 5, 2006). 

Mark A. Behrens & Andrew W. Crouse, The Evolving Civil Justice Reform Movement: Procedural Reforms Have Gained Steam, But Critics Still Focus on Arguments of the Past, 31 U. Dayton L. Rev. 173 (2006). 

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Andrew W. Crouse, Getting The Sand Out of the Eye of the Law: The Need for a Clear Rule for Sand Suppliers in Texas After Humble Sand & Gravel, Inc. v. Gomez, 37 St. Mary’s L.J. 283 (2006). 

Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, Now Open for Business: The Transformation of Mississippi’s Legal Climate, Miss. C. L. Rev. 393 (2005). 

Mark A. Behrens & Phil Goldberg, In Memoriam: Senior United States District Judge Charles R. Weiner, 20:22 Mealey's Litig. Rep.: Asbestos 24 (Dec. 21, 2005). 

Mark A. Behrens & Andrew W. Crouse, High Courts Reject Premises Liability For Secondhand Asbestos Exposure, 15:25 Legal Backgrounder (Wash. Legal Found. Dec. 16, 2005), reprinted in 28:5 Andrews Asbestos Litig. Rptr. 9 (Dec. 30, 2005).

Mark A. Behrens, State Asbestos and Silica Reform: Past Successes - Future Opportunities?, 20:19 Mealey's Litig. Rep.: Asbestos 29 (Nov. 2, 2005). 

Steven B. Hantler, Mark A. Behrens & Leah Lorber, Is the Crisis in the Civil Justice System Real or Imagined?, 38 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 1121 (2005). 

Mark A. Behrens & Phil Goldberg, State-Based Medical Criteria For Asbestos Suits Gains Momentum, 15:13 Legal Opinion Letter (Wash. Legal Found. July 1, 2005), reprinted in 27:20 Andrews Asbestos Litig. Rptr. 10 (July 29, 2005), and 23:13 Andrews Toxic Torts Litig. Rptr. 11 (Aug. 5, 2005).

Mark A. Behrens & Phil Goldberg, Stopping Asbestos Litigation Abuse, 6:1 Engage – The J. of the Federalist Society’s Prac. Groups 120 (May 2005). 

Mark A. Behrens & Manuel López, Unimpaired Asbestos Dockets: They Are Constitutional, 24 Rev. Litig. 253 (2005). 

Mark A. Behrens, Successor Asbestos-Related Liability Fairness Act, 7:1 ALEC Pol’y Forum 18 (Spring 2005). 

Mark A. Behrens & Phil Goldberg, Asbestos Litigation: Momentum Builds for State-Based Medical Criteria Solutions to Address Filings by the Non-Sick, 20:6 Mealey’s Litig. Rep.: Asbestos 33 (Apr. 13, 2005). 

Mark A. Behrens, Leah Lorber & Cary Silverman, Silica: An Overview of Exposure and Litigation in the United States, 20:2 Mealey's Litig. Rep.: Asbestos 33 (Feb. 21, 2005). 

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Phil Goldberg, Defining the Edge of Tort Law in Asbestos Bankruptcies: Addressing Claims Filed by the Non-Sick, 14:1 J. Bankr. L. & Prac. 61 (2005). 

Mark A. Behrens & Phil S. Goldberg, Editorial, Asbestos X-rays: Study Points To Abuse, Nat'l L.J., Nov. 1, 2004, at 19. 

Mark A. Behrens & Andrew W. Crouse, Book Review, Shakedown: How Corporations, Government and Trial Lawyers Abuse the Judicial Process (by Robert A. Levy), 5:2 Engage – The J. of the Federalist Society's Prac. Groups 154 (Oct. 2004). 

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Kimberly D. Sandner, Asbestos Litigation in Madison County, Illinois: The Challenge Ahead, 16 Wash. U. J.L. & Pol'y 235 (2004). 

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, New California Law Grants State 75% of Punitive Damages Award, 19:20 Legal Opinion Letter (Wash. Legal Found. Sept. 3, 2004). 

Mark A. Behrens & Phil S. Goldberg, The Asbestos Litigation Crisis in a Nutshell, The State Factor (Am. Legis. Exch. Council July 2004). 

Mark A. Behrens & Philip S. Goldberg, Asbestos Litigation Reform: Where Is It Headed?, 15:1 Products Liability (ABA, Sec. Of Litig., Comm. on Prods. Liab. Litig.), Spring/Summer 2004, at 1. 

Mark A. Behrens & Edward O. Gramling, Improving the Jury System in Kansas: A Call For Jury Patriotism Legislation, 13 Kan. J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 1 (2004). 

Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, Asbestos Litigation Reform in 2004 and Beyond, Columns: Asbestos, Apr. 2004, at 2. 

Mark A. Behrens, Asbestos Litigation Reform in 2004, The Nat’l Forum for Envtl. & Toxic Tort Issues Newsletter, Mar. 2004, at 2.

Mark A. Behrens & Philip S. Goldberg, The Michigan Supreme Court: Will It Help Curb Asbestos Litigation Abuse And Help The Truly Sick?, 18:24 Mealey’s Litig. Rep.: Asbestos 1 (Jan. 21, 2004). 

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Rochelle M. Tedesco, Addressing the “Elephantine Mass” of Asbestos Cases: Consolidation Versus Inactive Dockets (Pleural Registries) and Case Management Plans that Defer Claims Filed By the Non-Sick, 31 Pepp. L. Rev. 271 (2004). 

Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, Improving the Jury System in Virginia: Jury Patriotism Legislation is Needed, 11 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 657 (2003). 

Mark A. Behrens & Kimberly D. Sandner, Federal Tax Deduction for Punitive Damage Payments Comes Under Fire, 13:24 Legal Opinion Letter (Wash. Legal Found. Dec. 29, 2003). 

Mark A. Behrens & M. Kevin Underhill, A Call for Jury Patriotism: Why the Jury System Must Be Improved for Californians Called to Serve, 40 Cal. W. L. Rev. 135 (2003). 

Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, Five Ways the Kentucky Legislature Can Improve Jury Service, 42 Brandeis L.J. 1 (2003). 

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Rochelle Tedesco, Congress Should Act to Resolve the National Asbestos Crisis: The Basis in Law and Public Policy for Meaningful Progress, 44 S. Tex. L. Rev. 839 (2003).

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Rochelle M. Tedesco, Selective Due Process: The United States Supreme Court Has Said That Punitive Damages Awards Must Be Reviewed for Excessiveness, But Many Courts Are Failing to Follow The Letter And Spirit of The Law, 82 Or. L. Rev. 33 (2003). 

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, I’ll Take That: Legal and Policy Problems Raised by Statutes That Require Punitive Damages Awards To Be Shared With The State, 68 Mo. L. Rev. 525 (2003). 

K.B. Battaglini, Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, Jury Patriotism: The Jury System Should Be Improved for Texans Called To Serve, 35 St. Mary’s L.J. 117 (2003).

J. Walter Sinclair, Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, Making Jury Duty a Little Friendlier, 46:10 The Advocate (Idaho State Bar), Oct. 2003, at 23. 

Victor E. Schwartz and Mark A. Behrens, Symposium: Asbestos Litigation Articles, S. Tex. L. Rev. (Fall 2003). 

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, The Jury Patriotism Act: Making Jury Service More Appealing and Rewarding to Citizens, The State Factor (Am. Legis. Exchange Council April 2003). 

Keith T. Borman & Mark A. Behrens, Preserving the Right to a Representative Jury, 4:1 Engage - The J. of the Federalist Society’s Prac. Groups (2003). 

Mark A. Behrens & Rochelle M. Tedesco, Two Forks in the Road of Asbestos Litigation, 18:3 Mealey's Litig. Rep.: Asbestos 35 (Mar. 7, 2003). 

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, Safeguarding the Right to A Representative Jury: The Need for Improved Jury Service Laws, 7:1 Briefly (Nat’l Legal Center for the Pub. Int. Jan. 17, 2003).

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, New Model Law Designed to Improve Jury Service in State Courts, Counsel’s Advisory (Wash. Legal Found. Jan. 17, 2003).

Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, Tort Reform: The Changing Landscape, 4:2 TortSource: A Publication of the Am. Bar Ass’n Tort & Ins. Prac. Sec., Winter 2002, at 1. 

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens, Cary Silverman and Rochelle M. Tedesco, Consumer Protection in the Legal Marketplace: A Legal Consumer's Bill of Rights Is Needed, 15 Loy. Consumer L. Rev. 1 (2002). 

Mark A. Behrens, Some Proposals for Courts Interested in Helping Sick Claimants and Solving Serious Problems in Asbestos Litigation, 54 Baylor L. Rev. 331 (2002).

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Rochelle M. Tedesco, Kentucky High Court Rejects Medical Monitoring Actions, 10:6 Counsel’s Advisory (Wash. Legal Found. Sept. 6, 2002).

Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, High Court Should Send Strong Signal In Asbestos Cases, Columns: Asbestos, June 2002, at 2.

Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, The Case for Adopting Appointive Judicial Selection Systems for State Court Judges, 11 Cornell J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 273 (2002). 

Mark A. Behrens & Rochelle Tedesco, Addressing Regulation Through Litigation: Some Solutions To Government Sponsored Lawsuits, 3 Engage - The J. of the Federalist Society’s Prac. Groups 109 (Apr. 2002). 

Mark A. Behrens, When the Walking Well Sue, Nat’l L.J., Apr. 29, 2002, at A12. 

Mark A. Behrens & Cary Silverman, Promoting Judicial Independence & Public Confidence in the Courts: The Case for Judicial Appointments in Texas, Veritas - A Quarterly J. of Pub. Pol’y in Tex. 27 (Mar. 2002). 

Mark A. Behrens & Richard O. Faulk, The Asbestos Litigation Crisis in a Nutshell, 4:1 ALEC Pol'y Forum 46 (Spring 2002). 

Mark A. Behrens & Barry M. Parsons, Responsible Public Policy Demands and End to the Hemorrhaging Effect of Punitive Damages in Asbestos Cases, 6 Tex. Rev. L. & Pol. 137 (2001).

Mark A. Behrens & Monica Parham, Stewardship for the Sick: Preserving Assets For Asbestos Victims Through Inactive Docket Programs, 33 Tex. Tech. L. Rev.1 (2001) (selected by the Texas Tech Law Review’s Board of Editors as the Outstanding Lead Article of the year).

Mark A. Behrens & Phillip R. Anderson, State Supreme Courts Retreat From Medical Monitoring Causes of Action, 10:5 L.J. Newsletters Prod. Liab. L. & Strategy 1 (Nov. 2001).

Mark A. Behrens & Donald Kochan, Protecting the Right to Appellate Review in the New Era of Civil Actions: A Call for Bonding Fairness, 2:17 Class Action Litig. Rep. (BNA) 644 (Sept. 14, 2001), also printed in 29:21 Prod. Safety & Liab. Rptr. (BNA) 515 (May 21, 2001).

Mark A. Behrens & Donald Kochan, Federal Courts Using “Certification” to Punt On Controversial State Tort Law Issues, 14: 8 L.J. Newsletters Prod. Liab. L. & Strategy 4 (Feb. 2001).

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Monica Parham, Fostering Mutual Respect and Cooperation Between State Courts and State Legislatures: A Sound Alternative to a Tort Tug of War, 103 W. Va. L. Rev. 1 (2000). 

Mark A. Behrens, The Transportation Recall Enhancement: Accountability, and Documentation (TREAD) Act, TransLaw, Fall 2000, at 1.

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Leah Lorber, Tort Reform Past, Present And Future: Solving Old Problems And Dealing With “New Style” Litigation, 27 Wm. Mitchell L. Rev. 237 (2000).

Mark A. Behrens & Donald Kochan, Let the Sunshine In: The Need for Open, Competitive Bidding in Government Retention of Private Legal Services, 28:38 Prod. Safety & Liab. Rptr. (BNA) 915 (Oct. 2, 2000).

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Leah Lorber, Fair Federal Forums Should Decide Interstate Class Actions, 1:8 Class Action Litig. (BNA) 285 (Aug. 11, 2000).

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Leah Lorber, Federal Courts Should Decide Multistate Class Actions: A Call For Federal Class Action Diversity Jurisdiction Reform, 37 Harv. J. on Legis. 483 (2000) (winner, Burton Awards for Legal Achievement for excellence in legal writing).

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Joseph P. Mastrosimone, Reining in Punitive Damages “Run Wild”: Proposals for Punitive Damages Reform By Courts and Legislatures, 65 Brook. L. Rev. 1003 (2000).

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, A Proposal for Federal Product Liability Reform In The New Millennium, 4 Tex. Rev. L. & Pol. 261 (2000).

Mark Behrens, Scott Winkelman & Victor Schwartz, Y2K Law Not Foolproof, Nat’l L.J., Dec. 6, 1999, at A15.

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens, Emma Tubb & Jennifer Groninger, Medical Monitoring – Should Tort Law Say Yes?, 34 Wake Forest L. Rev. 1057 (1999).

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Andrew W. Bagley, The Tort Reform Marathon, Fla. Bus. Insight, Sept./Oct. 1999, at 24.

Mark A. Behrens, Reform Consumer Lawsuits, Idaho Statesman, Oct. 9, 1999, at B6.

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Judicial Activism In The Civil Justice System: Problems and Solutions, Litig. News (Federalist Soc’y for L. & Pub. Pol’y Stud.), Summer 1999, at 5.

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Leavy Mathews III, Federalism and Federal Liability Reform: The United States Constitution Supports Reform, 36 Harv. J. on Leg. 269 (1999). 

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Leah Lorber, Oregon Tort Reform is Latest Victim of Judicial Nullification, Legal Opinion Letter (Wash. Legal Found. Aug 6, 1999).

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Equal Justice Denied If Congress Assists DOJ Quest To Sue Unpopular Defendants, 14:17 Legal Backgrounder (Wash. Legal Found. May 14, 1999).

Mark A. Behrens, Editorial, Courts Are The Wrong Forum for Legislation, Bus. Ins., Apr. 5, 1999, at 8.

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Punitive Damages Tax Proposal: A New Weapon for Trial Lawyers, Legal Opinion Letter (Wash. Legal Found. Mar. 19, 1999).

Mark A. Behrens & Christopher J. McGuire, Year 2000 Problems Will Leave Many Wanting to Take a “Byte” Out of Computer and Technology Companies: A Preview of Liability Issues Affecting “Y2K” Litigants, Mealey’s Year 2000 Rep. (Mar. 1998).

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Federal Legislation To Limit Punitive Damages, Libel Defense Resource Center Libel Letter, Feb. 1998.

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Curbs on Class Action Abuses, 8 Australian Prod. Liab. Rptr. 83 (July 1997).

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Mark D. Taylor, Should Courts or Legislators Make America’s Tort Law?, in Executive Risk Management Associates, Lawyer to Lawyer, Edition VII, July 1997.

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Mark D. Taylor, Illinois Tort Law: A Rich History of Cooperation and Respect Between the Courts and the Legislature, 28 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 745 (1997).

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Federal Product Liability Reform in 1997: History and Public Policy Support Its Enactment Now, 64 Tenn. L. Rev. 595 (1997).

Jerry Phillips, Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Foreword, 64 Tenn. L. Rev. 557 (1997).

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Editorial, Liability “Overkill” Threatens Lives, Wallets, Las Vegas Rev.-J., Mar. 30, 1997, at 1E.

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Mark D. Taylor, Stamping Out Tort Reform: State Courts Lack Proper Respect for Legislative Judgments, Legal Times, Feb. 10, 1997, at S34.

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Mark D. Taylor, Who Should Make America’s Tort Law: Courts Or Legislators?, Wash. Legal Found. (Feb. 1997). 

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, An Unhappy Return to Confusion in the Common Law Of Products Liability — Denny v. Ford Motor Company Should Be Overturned, 17 Pace L. Rev. 359 (1997).

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, The Road To Federal Product Liability Reform, 55 Md. L. Rev. 1363 (1996).

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Editorial, Overkill in Liability System Keeps Valuable Products, Services Off the Market, Columbian (Vancouver, WA), Sept. 26, 1996.

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Editorial, We Pay Hidden Fees to Some Rich Lawyers, Orange County Register, Sept. 24, 1996.

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Editorial, We Should Repeal the “Tort Tax,” Virginian-Pilot (Norfolk, VA), Sept. 23, 1996.

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Editorial, “Tort Tax” Repeal Would Help All U.S. Consumers, Houston Chron., Sept. 20, 1996, at 37.

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Editorial, The High Cost of Judicial Overkill, J. Comm., Sept. 18, 1996.

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Editorial, The “Tort Tax,” Las Vegas Rev.-J., Sept. 18, 1996, at 11B.

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Editorial, Tax Reform Must Include “Tort Tax” Which Burdens Business, Consumers, Ariz. Republic (Phoenix), Sept. 18, 1996, a B5.

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Editorial, “Tort Tax” Liability Reform Boon To Consumers, Montgomery (Alabama) Advertiser, Sept. 18, 1996, at 21A.

Victor E. Schwartz, Robert Charrow & Mark A. Behrens, Special Report: Law After Medtronic, 15:2 Leader’s Prod. Liab. L. & Strategy 5 (Aug. 1996).

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Federal Product Liability Reform Is Consistent With Virginia Law And Should Be Strongly Supported, 4 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 279 (1996).

Mark A. Behrens & Daniel Raddock, Japan’s New Product Liability Law: The Citadel Of Strict Liability Falls, But Access To Recovery Is Limited By Formidable Barriers, 16 U. Pa. J. Int’l Bus. Law 669 (1996).

Victor E. Schwartz, Bob Charrow & Mark A. Behrens, Following the Supreme Court’s Analysis in Cipollone, Courts are Finding Broad Preemption in Sophisticated Medical Device Tort Litigation, 17 J. Prod. & Toxic Liab. 31 (1995).

Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens & Lori Bean, Multiple Imposition Of Punitive Damages: The Case For Reform, Critical Legal Issues: Working Paper Series (Wash. Legal Found. Mar. 1995).

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Preserving Issues For Appeal Of Punitive Damages Awards, 22:42 Prod. Safety & Liab. Rptr. (BNA) 1122 (Oct. 28, 1994).

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Product Liability: Making The Law Work Through Fair and Rational Rules, in State Civil Justice Reform: Future Challenges, Past Successes, 7-15 (Roger Clegg ed. 1994).

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Following The Spirit of Haslip: Virginia Should Adopt A “Middle” Burden Of Proof In Punitive Damages Cases, 20 Va. Bar Assn. J. 4 (Winter 1994).

Victor Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, The American Law Institute’s Reporters’ Study On Enterprise Responsibility For Personal Injury: A Timely Call For Punitive Damages Reform, 30 San Diego L. Rev. 263 (1993).

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Punitive Damages Reform — State Legislatures Can And Should Meet The Challenge Issued By The Supreme Court Of The United States in Haslip, 42 Am. U.L. Rev. 1365 (1993).

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Supreme Opens Challenges to Excessive Punitive Damages Awards, 7:8 Inside Litig., Aug. 1993, at 13.

Victor E. Schwartz & Mark A. Behrens, Haslip May Alter Tort-Claim Strategies, Nat’l L.J., Feb. 17, 1992, at 23.

Media Coverage

Despite Zoom Trial Irregularities, Navy Vet Wins $2.5 Mln Asbestos Verdict, Reuters Legal, September 29, 2020.