Civil and criminal investigations by regulatory agencies into alleged corporate misconduct have skyrocketed in recent years. These enforcement efforts are further fueled by whistleblower lawsuits, congressional scrutiny and media reports, creating a perfect storm for those who find themselves in the government’s crosshairs.

Shook’s Government Investigations and Litigation practice is uniquely positioned to help clients. First, as one of the leading trial firms in the United States, Shook tries cases all over the country. Second, our attorneys have vast experience handling federal and state government investigations. For example, Government Investigations and Litigation Practice Co-Chair Patrick Oot co-founded the Government Investigations and Civil Litigation Institute, serving as editor-in-chief of the very popular and authoritative publication, “The General Counsel’s Guide to Government Investigations.” Our skills honed over decades of handling contentious litigation on multiple fronts—from government investigations and state AG actions through class actions and multidistrict litigation—are what truly differentiate Shook from other peer firms in service to our clients.

Our cross-disciplinary team represents companies in matters involving anti-corruption compliance, False Claim Act and whistleblower allegations, government investigations, internal investigations, and actions brought by state attorneys general.

Actions initiated by the U.S. Department of Justice and other regulatory agencies often involve parallel state and federal cases, third-party litigation and highly publicized speculation. To meet these challenges, Shook employs a comprehensive approach, combining defense expertise with effective compliance counseling, a robust discovery strategy, and an advanced public relations strategy. Our team also advises on preventive measures, which can circumvent expensive and potentially damaging litigation. 

Because clients often desire to avoid the expense and exposure of trial, Shook attorneys work to resolve criminal matters short of indictment. Preparation for the possibility of investigation includes educating executives and employees about their rights and responsibilities as witnesses or targets in an office search or drop-in interview. This education minimizes the disruption of an unexpected enforcement initiative, facilitates the protection of company information, and provides peace of mind to the company’s workforce.

We also work with clients to establish and maintain effective corporate compliance programs, including legal risk assessments, internal investigations and record-keeping audits.

Our cross-disciplinary practice includes attorneys with direct government experience, including former members of the following agencies and entities:

  • State Attorneys General offices;
  • U.S. Department of Justice;
  • U.S. Federal Trade Commission;
  • U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission;
  • U.S. Army Judge Advocate General’s Corps;
  • U.S. Air Force Judge Advocate General’s Corps.

To keep clients up-to-date on compliance matters, we closely monitor state and federal regulatory developments. Our team maintains contacts at key administrative agencies (including the U.S. Department of Justice, Food and Drug Administration, and the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Inspector General) to expedite crucial conversations at critical moments.