ALM Interviews Shook Partner on Pandemic, Increase in Labeling Demands
ALM’s The Recorder featured Shook Partner Naoki Kaneko in an interview on the rise of demand letters targeting labeling during the pandemic. In The Plaintiffs’ Bar Is Definitely Not Sleeping: Naoki Kaneko Sees a Rise in Labeling Demands, Kaneko—who defends companies over consumer goods, including food and beverages—notes the rise in letters belaboring every detail in labels.
“It’s a real scrutiny on every single labeling claim,” Kaneko said. “If those disclaimers are missing, and even if the ingredients listed are clear, they’re [plaintiffs] really capitalizing on all these technical labeling requirements.”
Kaneko represents clients not just in the food and beverage industry, but also in the personal care, technology, automobile and pharmaceutical industries in cases throughout the country.