Shook Patent Attorneys Unveil Innovative Anti-Blawg - 2Wit Design
Operating at the intersection where left-brain analysis meets right-brain creativity, Shook, Hardy & Bacon Patent Attorney Andy O’Brien’s 2Wit Design blawg takes an innovative and refreshing approach to design patent reporting. 2Wit tells the story of design patents—from what makes a design patent unique to the hottest IPR cases and design disputes—through a completely visual medium.
“This anti-blawg approach avoids lengthy legalese and extensive footnotes to create bite-sized, shareable content that harnesses the impact of great design to educate readers and clients about the laws designed to protect those assets,” stated O’Brien, who assists clients with patent preparation and prosecution in the technology, consumer goods, and apparel industries. “We think this patent blawg is really going to light a fire for the patent world accustomed to the traditional, wordy blawg.”
O’Brien says readers who enjoy receiving legal updates that pertain to design patents would benefit the most from 2Wit Design. O’Brien and his colleagues review the approximately 500 design patents published each week to determine which will be included in the new blawg.
“We pick out a handful of the most interesting. We put them in categories based on why people might want to learn about them. Some might have a targeted consumer, others are really revolutionary and change their field in an interesting way,” said O’Brien.
In addition to the images, many of the patents will include a link to the applicant website, if available, and a link to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website to the specific patent referenced. 2Wit Design will also report new design-patent lawsuits, as well as court and board rulings.
Shook has a full-service IP group with more than 75 IP attorneys and multiple agents and analysts with advanced degrees in biochemistry, immunochemistry, engineering, pharmacology, toxicology, computer software and more. The firm handles all aspects of utility and design patent work, from startups to Fortune 50 companies. This includes application, prep, prosecution, and litigation, including enforcement and defense, as well as counseling and portfolio review.
To arrange an interview with Shook Patent Attorney Andy O’Brien, contact Media Relations Manager Heather McMichael,, 816.559.2016.