Shook Miami protects and advances our clients’ interests in and outside the courtroom. In court, we litigate and try the most challenging and complex civil disputes, from individual actions to mass torts, class actions, and multidistrict litigation. But we are also adept at keeping our clients out of court and in compliance with the patchwork of state, federal and international laws that affect their daily business.

Shook Miami attorneys are nationally recognized thought leaders sought out for their insight and commentary by numerous publications, including The Wall Street Journal and Law360. Our clientele widely spans industry sectors from technology, consumer products and food and beverage to health care, financial services and design and construction. We represent them in connection with:

• Product Liability and Toxic Tort Litigation 
• Privacy and Data Security
• Class Actions 
• Business Litigation
• Intellectual Property
• Appeals
• Environmental

Practice Areas

Product Liability and Toxic Tort Litigation

Our attorneys have unmatched experience litigating and trying the most complex, high-stakes product liability and toxic tort cases around the globe. We defend Fortune 100 companies in individual and consolidated proceedings involving pharmaceuticals and medical devices and other consumer products, as well as toxic torts and environmental exposure. Our litigation teams are enhanced by 100 science and research analysts companywide, who provide an advanced level of specific, scientific support to ensure our attorneys master the technical issues of each case.

Hassia Diolombi 
William Geraghty
Jennifer McLoone
Hildy Sastre 

Privacy and Data Security

Shook’s Chambers-ranked Privacy and Data Security Practice, led from the Miami office, guides clients through this rapidly developing area of law that includes data breach response, crisis management, and compliance. Our attorneys counsel companies in building an incident response team and response plan. They also represent companies in litigation and enforcement actions arising from data breaches or alleged privacy incidents, including cutting-edge litigation on privacy concerns arising from website technology. And they help our clients navigate the patchwork of state, federal and international privacy laws to build compliance programs that minimize the risks associated with the use, collection, sharing and storage of personal information.

Jennifer McLoone
Alfred Saikali

Class Actions

Shook Miami attorneys regularly defend product manufacturers and retailers in cases challenging the labeling, advertising, or composition of their products, and regularly defend companies in cases alleging they did not adequately safeguard individuals’ private and protected information. We tailor our representation to meet the goals of each client facing a class action, which sometimes involves aggressive efforts to eliminate claims through dispositive motions or denials of class certification, and other times involves negotiating favorable resolutions, and, when necessary, defeating claims at trial.

Jennifer McLoone
Dan Rogers

Business Litigation

We help individuals, small and midmarket businesses and multinational companies address and resolve their business disputes, including in bet-the-company cases where the stakes are highest. We aggressively protect their interests in state, federal and administrative courts, as well as in domestic and international arbitrations, in cases involving contract disputes, business torts, antitrust, and government investigation and enforcement actions across various industries, from financial services and banking to design and construction, to telecommunications, health care, employment and real estate.

John Barkett
Matt Bernstein
Dan Rogers

Intellectual Property

Our IP attorneys have extensive experience securing patents, trademarks and copyrights for clients globally, with a focus on patent filing and prosecution, patent portfolio management, and strategic counseling. We cover some of the highest-valued intellectual property in the world, including assets for the world’s largest software developer.

Alexander Schneider


Shook Miami’s Appellate team, led by an attorney board-certified in appellate practice, represents clients in state and federal appeals across the country. We brief and argue appeals in all variety of substantive areas, from business litigation to product liability to Constitutional issues. This includes advancing our clients’ interests by filing amicus curiae (friend of the court) briefs in cases of heightened importance. Our appellate victories have included significant issues of first impression and the use of creative, precedent-setting appellate strategies.

Dan Rogers


Shook Miami’s Environmental Practice encompasses a wide range of legal matters, from environmental and regulatory counseling to environmental due diligence and transactions, and environmental litigation. When matters result in litigation, our attorneys have handled, as both neutrals and advocates, the full gamut of environmental disputes, including actions under CERCLA and RCRA.

John Barkett
Jennifer McLoone


Shook Miami attorneys’ excellence and success have been repeatedly recognized by numerous organizations, including:

The Best Lawyers in America: Best Lawyers, Ones to Watch, Lawyers of the Year, Best Law Firms;
• BTI Consulting: BTI All Stars
Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business;
• Commercial Arbitration Expert Guide;
• Daily Business Review, “Most Effective Lawyer”;
Florida Super Lawyers, Florida Rising Stars;
Florida Trend Legal Elite;
• Lawdragon 500;
 Law360, “Product Liability MVP”;
• Lexology (formerlyWho’s Who Legal: the International Who’s Who of Product Liability Defense Lawyers):
• The Legal 500 United States;
• National Law Journal; and
• South Florida Business Leader.

Community Service

Shook’s culture is built on a strong tradition of serving others in the community and through pro bono work. Miami attorneys and staff devote volunteer hours to many organizations, including:

• ABA Judicial Intern Opportunity Program;
• Alonzo Mourning’s Hoop-Law Madness Tournament;
• Americans for Immigrant Justice;
• Anti-Defamation League;
• Ascend (f/k/a Acción);
• Big Brothers Big Sisters Greater Miami;
• Coconut Grove Outreach Program;
• Dade Legal Aid;
• Eleventh Circuit Historical Society;
• Florida Guardian ad Litem Program;
• John Kozyak Minority Mentoring Program;
• Junior League of Miami;
• Kristi House;
• Lawyers for Children America; 
• Leukemia & Lymphoma Society;
• Minority Bar Passage Program, Univ. of Miami School of Law;
• Miami-Dade County Planning Advisory Board;
• Miami-Dade Teen Court;
• Miami Veterans Clinic;
• Perez Art Museum of Miami;
• Southern District of Florida’s Pro Bono Program; 
• Teach for America Corps.; and
• United Way.