Kansas City Business Journal Names IP Co-Chair in ‘20 to Know’

Shook Intellectual Property Co-Chair Cory Fisher is listed among the Kansas City Business Journal’s (KCBJ) “20 to Know” for 2025. KCBJ stated Fisher was selected to their list of top lawyers as part of their goal “to show the depth of breadth of talent in the Kansas City area.” 

“Fisher has spent his entire career at Shook Hardy & Bacon LLP, focusing his Shook practice on intellectual property law in the U.S. and abroad,” KCBJ said, noting that Fisher was promoted to co-chair in January. 

Fisher’s practice centers on patent-related aspects of intellectual property law in both the U.S. and abroad, developing and implementing patent-filing strategies for foundational technologies. Fisher also creates and manages patent portfolio reviews for both offensive and defensive client needs in a number of diverse technology fields.

In addition to his intellectual property practice, Fisher counsels clients on artificial intelligence—in both the legal world as a tool for lawyers and in the business world as a competitive advantage. Fisher is a featured speaker in a Shook artificial intelligence podcast series in collaboration with Law.com, AI Here and Now, providing listeners with AI issues abroad and a deep dive into federal regulations.

Fisher has received multiple recognitions for his patent-related work including Managing IP’s “IP Star – Patent Star” and The Legal 500.