Four Shook Partners to Present at Legalweek
Four Shook partners will be speaking at the 2025 Legalweek, to be held March 24-27, New York, New York. Their presentations are as follows:
March 24
Partner Jeremy Wikler will be part of a panel presenting, “Evolving Jurisprudence: Key Court Rulings Shaping the Use of eDiscovery Technology,” 1:30–3:00 p.m.
March 26
Partners Kimberly Priest Johnson and Patrick Oot will be panelists for, “View from the Bench: Decoding the Ethics and Discovery Rules in the World of AI, Cybersecurity, and the Data Deluge,” 9:30–10:30 a.m.
March 27
Partner Veronica Gromada will be a speaker for “Unmasking Fraud: Leveraging Legal Tech to Detect and Prevent Class Action Abuse (Clone),” 10:15–11:15 a.m.
ALM’s Legalweek is a major event where thousands of legal professionals gather to engage in an array of educational sessions, including workshop boot camps, case studies, TED-style talks, and panel discussions. This year’s Legalweek has 6,000+ registered attendees representing 34 countries.