Shook Launches Government Investigations and Litigation Practice

Shook has launched a new Government Investigations and Litigation (GIL) Practice. The team of 23 Shook trial attorneys from around the country will represent companies and individuals in criminal, civil and regulatory government enforcement actions at both the state and federal levels. The Department of Justice has prioritized several areas of enforcement, which include changes to Corporate Cooperation Guidelines (to encourage transparency), and enforcing allegations of fraud in civil cyber, cybersecurity, health care and pandemic relief, along with environmental goals. 

“We’re growing our services based on what we are hearing from our many relationships in government and ultimately to best protect the interests of our clients,” said Bill Corrigan, the former Missouri deputy attorney general who joined Shook in 2023. “With the reputation the firm has and our extraordinary depth in litigation, this was the next evolution to better serve our clients.”

The American Lawyer featured the new practice in an article, “With Investigation Practices in Hot Demand, Shook Launches Group That Emphasizes Government Expertise.” 

Corrigan will co-lead the practice with Partner Patrick Oot, a Washington, D.C., litigator who served in the Securities and Exchange Commission and is a co-founder of the Government Investigations and Civil Litigation Institute and editor-in-chief of The General Counsel’s Guide to Government Investigations.