Shook Privacy Partner Named Certified AI Governance Professional

Shook Privacy Partner Camila Tobón has been named a certified AI Governance Professional by the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP). Those considered for this honor must demonstrate their ability to ensure safety and trust in the development of ethical AI and the ongoing management of AI systems.

As director of Shook’s Privacy Compliance and AI Governance Task Forces, Tobón helps clients with privacy and data security compliance and AI governance. She has also been certified as a Fellow of Information Privacy by the IAPP and achieved the Privacy Law Specialist designation. She is a member of Shook's Privacy and Cybersecurity Practice. In 2023, Tobón was recognized by Chambers USA for Privacy & Data Security.

“It’s an exciting time right now because AI is going to impact just about everything we do,” said Tobón. “Companies don't want to be left behind and are finding new and innovative ways to use this technology. But there are regulatory issues to consider and the risks range from low to high, depending on the specific use case and the potential impact on individuals.”

The IAPP is the largest global information privacy resource and helps define, promote and improve the privacy profession globally.