Shook Orange County Volunteers with Riding Club

Shook Orange County attorneys and professional staff have teamed up to assist the Bay Back Therapeutic Riding Club (BBTRC). Shook is committed to investing in the communities where we work and live. As part of an ongoing project, the attorneys and staff help clean the stables and take care of the horses.

The BBTRC offers physical therapy to children and adults with physical and developmental disabilities through structured horseback riding. BBTRC not only provides lessons to riders who may not have access to other programs, but the organization is one of the last horse sanctuaries in the Newport Beach area. 

“Therapeutic riding is a dynamic way to improve balance, joint mobility, coordination, muscle tone and posture,” writes BBTRC. “The rider, when sitting atop the walking horse, responds to the motions with improved body symmetry, improved muscle tone, increased head and neck control and improved balance.”

The Volunteer Project started in April and the firm hopes to continue the project which not only helps BBTRC but builds teamwork among Shook employees. Partner Jad Davis leads the firm’s Orange County office.