Kansas Bar Association Names Walberg Outstanding Young Lawyer

The Kansas Bar Association has selected Shook Associate Bill Walberg for the Outstanding Young Lawyer Award in 2019. The organization chose Walberg for his role as co-chair of the Young Lawyers Section, High School Mock Trial competitions. The program provides Kansas teenagers the opportunity to compete in regional, state and national mock trial competitions.

Walberg, who taught middle school math at Woodland Elementary and Lincoln College Preparatory Academy before deciding to become a lawyer, is passionate about helping children prepare for their futures.

“Casey Walker, my co-chair, and I worked for three years to make the program sustainable and we were never disappointed with the students. They always gave it their all, which only inspired us to keep the program viable. It is deeply rewarding to be recognized for participating in something you enjoy,” said Walberg.

Walberg, who joined Shook in 2018, serves clients in product liability matters and has significant experience in business litigation. He and the other honorees will be recognized at a KBA luncheon in Topeka, June 21, 2019.