Silverman and Appel: 101 Ways to Improve State Legal Systems

Each year, the American civil justice system costs hundreds of billions of dollars, and litigation costs hamper businesses’ ability to compete and flourish. Civil justice reform can create confidence in the economy and help businesses expand and create jobs, Shook Partner Cary Silverman and Senior Counsel Christopher Appel wrote in a paper for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Institute for Legal Reform. 

The paper, titled “101 Ways to Improve State Legal Systems: A User's Guide to Promoting Fair and Effective Civil Justice - Eighth Edition 2024,” covers a broad range of civil justice priority issues to aid policymakers and reform advocates in improving the civil legal environment in their states. It also addresses emerging issues policymakers face, including disclosure requirements and conflicts of interest safeguards when outside investors fund litigation or have a financial interest in case outcomes. 

“Tort costs vary significantly from state to state, reflecting differences in risk exposure, legal liability, and efficiency,” they said. “101 Ways to Improve State Legal Systems offers some of the many options available to foster a sound legal system that promotes states’ economies.”

Read the paper at the Institute for Legal Reform >>