Trask Co-Authors Class Action Playbook

Shook Of Counsel Andy Trask has co-authored an updated 2022 edition of Class Action Playbook, which "addresses every important issue related to class actions, including the initial shape of the proposed action, choice of forum, case-management schedules, pre-certification discovery and motions activity, briefing and argument of the class-certification motion, class notice, preparation for trial, class settlements, and the binding effects of class action judgments."

Chapters of the book include:

  1. What Class Actions Are and Why They Exist 
  2. Class Certification Requirements 
  3. Constructing a Class Action Lawsuit 
  4. Pre-Certification Steps 
  5. The Class Certification Motion 
  6. Post-Certification Steps 
  7. Trial Preparation 
  8. Settling Class Actions 
  9. Class Action Judgments 
  10. International Class Action Practice 

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